W1 linux kernel module
Rather than talk to the 1-wire bus masters directly (e.g. over a serial port or USB port), we could use the linux kernel's "w1" abstration layer.
Less need for external libraries (like libusb).
faster support for embedded GPIO masters (like the Freescale MX-27)
More efficient bit-banging support.
Linux only (v2.6.29+)
Linux only
- Rather poor performance
- No independent control over multiple bus-masters
- Evgeniy Polyakov, the kernel developer, has been kindly assisting with w1 support implementation. Design limitations have improved over time.
w1 is a linux kernel system that takes several types of 1-wire bus masters, and supports a subset of the 1-wire protocol on them. It seems to have been initially designed to extend the hardware monitoring function (temperature monitoring) but has evolved to support a more general 1-wire functionality. Natively, temperature readings and some memory reading is supported. Polling of 1-wire devices and values is supported.
Without OWFS 1-wire support, there is a conflict in the interaction of w1 and OWFS. The w1 system grabs the bus-masters (specifically the USB-based DS9490) and doesn't allow OWFS access. The current work-arounds are to either- disable the ds9490.ko module. Probably by modifying udev rules (or hotplug in older kernels).
- Run as root so OWFS can unload the kernel mudule.
- w1 grabs a list of bus masters and slaves and sends assynchronous messages as they appear in the system.
- All bus masters are grouped together. The order is not predictable and hardware details are not exposed.
- Slaves are grouped together and not assigned to particular bus masters.
- Communication from user-space (OWFS) to the kernel module is handled using netlink socket. In particular the connector subtype that gives a single channel for all moduile communication.
- OWFS uses a single thread to listen to the netlink socket, and then uses pipes internally to send the kernel messages to the relevant places in the program.
- w1 (now called wire1) is functional for UISB but slow.
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