Aquarium Automation

Rob Conway has a fully automated aquarium monitoring site:
My Data
12 analog signals from 3 off DS2450 (quad A/D).. This gets sampled every 90 seconds and averaged with the last three readings. The 2450 is only 8 bits and I need to average 4 samples to get repeatable readings .
4 counter inputs from DS2423 (dual channel counters) This data get read every 5 minutes…No need to average
Digital I/O from 8 off DS2405/06 gets read every 2 seconds. (1 second would be great)
Full writup!
I use a Ubuntu server and use owread and owwrite, I do not use FUSE. I understand FUSE could possibly assist however as I need to average and provide calculations on the data to get it to engineering units, I cannot use FUSE directly. The digital inputs are from push buttons and level switches so I need to read uncached data. I use rrdtools to collect the data.
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