Voltage measurement table

Measuring voltage with 1-wire devices:

 Device  Name Voltage range
Resolution Response rate
Other properties
OWFS support?
 DS2450 Quad Voltage
 A,B,C,D  0 - 5.12(V)  20 mV
 ~4ms  DS2450  voltage ports can act as PIO
 DS2450 Quad Voltage
 A,B,C,D   0 - 2.56 (V)
 10 mV
 ~4ms  DS2450  voltage ports can act as PIO  Full
 DS2436 Battery ID/Monitor  Voltage  2.4 - 10.24 (V)   10 mV
 ~10ms  DS2436
 temperature, cycles
 Uses voltage for power as well 
 DS2437 Smart Battery Monitor
 0 - 10.24 (V)
 10 mV   ~2ms   DS2437  temperature, clock, current accumulator
 Full  Strongly deprecated
 DS2437 Smart Battery Monitor  Vsens  ±150 (mV)
 1mV  31ms   DS2437  temperature, clock, current accumulator  Full  Strongly deprecated
 DS2438 Smart Battery Monitor  VAD  1.5 - 10.23 (V)  10mV  ~10ms  DS2438  temperature, current, clock  Full  Used for many devices
 DS2438 Smart Battery Monitor  VDD  2.4 - 10.23 (V)
 10mV  ~10ms  DS2438  temperature, current, clock  Full  Used for many devices
 DS2438 Smart Battery Monitor
 ±250 (mV)
 temperature, current, clock
 Used for many devices
 DS2740U High-Precision Columb Counter
 Vsens  ±51.2 (mV)  1.56uV  3.5s
 accumulation  Full
 DS2740BU High-Precision Columb Counter  Vsens  ±51.2 (mV)
 6.25uV  0.9s  DS2740  accumulation  Full  
 DS2751 Multichemistry Battery Fuel Gauge  Vin  0 - 4.5 (V)
 DS2751  temperature, accumulation, memory  Full
 DS2751 Multichemistry Battery Fuel Gauge  Vsens  ±64 (mV)  15.625uV   88ms   DS2751  temperature, accumulation, memory
 DS2756 High-Accuracy Battery Fuel Gauge with Programmable Suspend Mode  Vsens   ±64 (mV)  4uV
 temperature, accumulation, memory
 DS2756 High-Accuracy Battery Fuel Gauge with Programmable Suspend Mode  Vin
 0 - 4.75 (V)
 4.88mV  3.4ms  DS2756  temperature, accumulation, memory  Full
 DS2761 High-Precision Li+ Battery Monitor  Vsens  ±64 (mV)
 88ms  DS2761    temperature, accumulation, memory, PIO
 Full  Thermocouple design DS2761/2/3
 DS2761 High-Precision Li+ Battery Monitor  Vin   0 - 4.75 (V)  4.88mV  3.4ms  DS2761  temperature, accumulation, memory, PIO
 Full  Thermocouple design DS2761/2/3
 DS2770 Battery Monitor and Charge Controller  Vsens  ±51.2 (mV)  1.56uV  3.5s  DS2770  temperature, accumulation, memory, timer
 DS2770 Battery Monitor and Charge Controller  Vin  0 - 4.992 (V)
 4.88mV  55ms  DS2770  temperature, accumulation, memory, timer
 DS2780 Stand-Alone Fuel Gauge IC  Vsens   ±51.2 (mV)  1.56uV  3.5ms  DS2780  temperature. accumulation, memory, timer
 DS2780 Stand-Alone Fuel Gauge IC  Vin  0 - 4.992 (V)   4.88mV   440ms  DS2780  temperature. accumulation, memory, timer  Full  
 DS2781 1-Cell or 2-Cell Standalone Fuel Gauge IC  Vsens  ±51.2 (mV)  1.56uV  3.5ms  DS2781  temperature. accumulation, memory, PIO  Full   
 DS2781 1-Cell or 2-Cell Standalone Fuel Gauge IC  Vin 0 - 9.9902 (V)
 440ms  DS2781  temperature. accumulation, memory, PIO  Full
T8A T8A/volt.0-7 0-5(V) 1.22mV    DS2406 8-channels voltage  Full  Deprecated
DS2406-based (by Chase Shimmin)


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