External sensors
This page describes a new element -- external device support.The motivation is a number of requests on the developers mailing list, most recently
The initial design goals:
- Devices will be supported by a plug-in skeleton where individual read and write routines will be external programs.
- Programs can be in any language
- The program will receive information from the calling program (device name, property name)
- Data type and length will be checked by the calling program
- All external devices will be in the same directory (like 1-wire) but can be pieced out by the "bus.x" structure
- The supporting structure will be a separate program using the owserver protocol to communicate
- The program will be called "owexternal"
- It will seamlessly look like an owserver to calling programs
- It will be able to send queries upstream
- It will have anti-loop token support
- It will handle caching and some administrative properties
- Configuration will be by text file
- Two entry types for config
- First type describes a script for a family of sensors
- Second layer lists one actual sensor.
- Sensor list configuration
- Each sensor (slave) is listed
- sensor needs a unique name (like the 64-bit 1-wire address)
- sensor can optionally include a text description
- sensor needs to give the name of it's family
- more than one sensor can be of the same family
- Example syntax:
SENSOR: bedroom, rtd_family, "Bedroom temperature", "/dev/ttyUSB0"
- SENSOR: is the first required element indicating that this is part of the sensor list
- Unique name
- Family
- Note that family is the second field in both types of records
- optional description
- The three fields are comma separated, and spaces should be quoted or backslash escaped
- Property configuration
- Gives a list of the properties supported by the sensor
- Supports a subdirectory structure for the names
- Example syntax
SCRIPT: temperature, rtd_family, t, 1, v, rtd_read.pl, , ,
- SCRIPT: keyword defines a property and access method (script) for a given sensor property
- property (name or subdir/name)
- family that this property pertains to
- Note that family is the second field in both kinds of records
- type/length of value:
- Directory
- length is gnored
- integer
- length is default 12 characters (e.g. i12)
- specify length as number after i
- unsigned integer
- length is default 12 characters (e.g. u12)
- floating point
- length is default 12 characters ( e.g. f12)
- ascii
- length should be specified
- e.g. a25 for 25 characters
- default is 1 character (a1)
- length should be specified
- binary
- length should be specified in bytes
- e.g. b32 for 32 bytes
- default is 1 byte (b1)
- yes-no value
- length is default 1 character (e.g. y1)
- values are only "0" and "1"
- date
- length is default 24 characters (e.g. d24)
- typically formated as "25 mar 2022"
- temperature
- length is default 12 characters (e.g. t12)
- this is a floating point number in the specified temperature scale
- default "C" Celsius
- gap (temperature difference)
- length is default 12 characters (e.g. g12)
- default "C" Celsius
- pressure
- length is default 12 characters (e.g. p12)
- Directory
- array type:
- 1
- scalar value
- a single value of the type given above
- 8
- an array of 8 elements
- e.g. val.0, val.1, ... val.7
- 0 based
- all calls will be for a single element
- +8
- an array of 8 elements
- calls will be for all the elements together
- usually separated by commas
- except binary values have no separation
- -1
- a sparse array
- index is any number
- F
- array indexed with letters
- val.A, val.B, ... val.F
- includes last letter
- all calls will be for a single element
- case ignored
- +F
- array indexed with letters
- calls return all the elements at once
- case ignored
- -A
- sparse array
- alphanumeric index
- case ignored
- 1
- persistance (for caching)
- fixed
- stable
- volatile
- time
- uncached
- Read function (optional)
- Write function (optional)
- property-specific data string (optional)
- The structure string takes precedence over the other entries.
for instance, if the property is structured as "ro" (read-only) then
a write function won't be called, even if supplied - There are some automatic properties for every external sensor:
- family (the family name given in the SENSOR entry)
- description (the description given in the SENSOR entry)
- address (the unique name given in the SENSOR entry)
- type "external"
- Gives a list of the properties supported by the sensor
- Read function
- Called with the following arguments:
- family name
- property name
- extension (or null string)
- description (or null string)
- "read" keyword
- length (in bytes)
- offset (0 based)
- property-specific data string (or null string)
- structure string
- Many of the calling arguments are redundant to the read function, but allow more generic routines to be used
- Return value:
- 0 success
- 1 failure (error)
- Return data
written to stdout
- Called with the following arguments:
- Write function
- called with the following arguments:
- family name
- property name (or null string)
- extension (or null string)
- "write" keyword
- length expected (in bytes)
- offset (0 based)
- property-specific data (or null string)
- structure string
- return value:
- 0 success
- 1 failure (error)
- Written data
sent via stdin
- called with the following arguments:
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