Tests of OWFS 2.5p7
Details, owfs listing of uncached directory:
> time for x in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ; do ls /mnt/1wire/uncached ; done
Directory has 111 1-wire devices, from family code 01 to 89.
01.0683C9090000 10.164F54000800 10.42916B000800 10.611154000800 10.894F54000800 10.A73A54000800 10.C44154000800 10.E04654000800 10.FA1E54000800 2C.8EF604000000
01.4FA8CC080000 10.182654000800 10.483354000800 10.641654000800 10.8B3954000800 10.AA4D54000800 10.C64354000800 10.E12954000800 10.FC2154000800 89.852BC300705E
01.5F50CA090000 10.1D1554000800 10.4A2D54000800 10.653E54000800 10.904154000800 10.AC2754000800 10.C74E54000800 10.EB1254000800 10.FD1D54000800 89.BD29C300705E
05.5ADD1E000000 10.234254000800 10.4A4454000800 10.674E54000800 10.904954000800 10.AD1A54000800 10.CE4B54000800 10.ED3554000800 12.15DF1F000000 alarm
05.DD011F000000 10.2C1B54000800 10.4E4C54000800 10.6F3F54000800 10.974F54000800 10.B14154000800 10.CF1F54000800 10.EF2E54000800 12.4AE41F000000 bus.0
10.003054000800 10.2D4154000800 10.552954000800 10.711C54000800 10.9A2F54000800 10.B64054000800 10.D03754000800 10.F03D54000800 12.C4DF1F000000 simultaneous
10.044954000800 10.301A54000800 10.584E54000800 10.792F54000800 10.9A9E3C000800 10.B72E54000800 10.D54B54000800 10.F12254000800 12.F3EA1F000000
10.052854000800 10.311154000800 10.5A3F54000800 10.793E54000800 10.9B2D54000800 10.B74754000800 10.D7AB3C000800 10.F12754000800 22.018503000000
10.074D54000800 10.39756B000800 10.5E1B54000800 10.7E3754000800 10.9C4654000800 10.B83754000800 10.DA4754000800 10.F43054000800 22.367A03000000
10.0D2B54000800 10.3C1F54000800 10.601454000800 10.801754000800 10.9D4154000800 10.BB1754000800 10.DB2754000800 10.F84C54000800 28.EB6731000000
10.101454000800 10.401D54000800 10.602454000800 10.821454000800 10.A44E54000800 10.BE2254000800 10.DC3D54000800 10.F8866B000800 2C.1B7900000000
10.101554000800 10.414354000800 10.602E54000800 10.892254000800 10.A53654000800 10.C24654000800 10.DC4454000800 10.F93D54000800 2C.66FE04000000
Times are for each pass through 111 devices.
Adapter | Bus | elapsed time | user | system | per entry |
DS9097 (passive) | serial | 59.83 | 0.0016 | 0.0016 | 0.539 |
DS9097U | serial | 9.91 | 0.0020 | 0.0016 | 0.088 |
LINK (emulation mode) | serial | 9.86 | 0.0020 | 0.0020 | 0.089 |
LINK (ascii mode) | serial | 6.71 | 0.0024 | 0.0012 | 0.060 |
DS9490R | usb | 2.22 | 0.0004 | 0.0036 | 0.020 |
- All adapters except the "Passive" and LINK add an extra device embedded in the adapter. "Per entry" uses 112 as the denominator in those cases.
- The USB adapter was the least tolerant of a bad network design, dropping 6 devices in one pass.
- Tests done on an AMD64 machine in 64 bit mode. Linux 2.6 kernel.
- Bit-banging (Passive adapter) is particularly slow in modern operating systems.
- The LINK is indistiguishable from the DS9097U in emulation mode.
- The LINK's ascii mode is well suited to directory listings.
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