Old Ubuntu
Ubuntu 6.06
- See Tomasz Korwel's guide.
Ubuntu (Hoary 5.10)
- USB needs root ( e.g. sudo /opt/owfs/bin/owserver -u -p 3000 )
Include the following packages
- automake
- autoconf
- autotools-dev
- gcc
- g++
Need to install directly:
- ./configure && make && sudo make install
for USB
- libusb-dev -- needed for USB support
for owfs
- install fuse-utils
- install libfuse-dev
- ./configure && make && sudo make install
Note: from the
Fuse FAQ execute once:
- sudo chmod 4755 /usr/bin/fusermount
- This make fusemount suid root which could be a security concern
for C
- ./configure --enable-owcapi && make && sudo make install
for perl
- install swig
- ./configure --disable-owpython && make && sudo make install
for python
- install swig
- install python2.4-dev
- ./configure && make && sudo make install
for php
- install swig
- install php5-dev
- ./configure --enable-owphp && make && sudo make install
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