
The HA7Net is a stand-alone bus master.
An embedded web server
Specific support for a few 1-wire chips (specifically EDS's own sensors and the temperature sensors).
Support for raw byte sequences
3 Electrically independent RJ-11 1-wire bus connectors
TCP communications
It's own discovery protocol based on UDP multicast.
Design limitations
No overdrive mode
Raw access (for unsupported chips) has limited length and can be overrun.
Fixed web output format (but nicely scrapeable).
Rudimentary locking and interference protection.
Supported under owfs as a bus master
Use command line argument --ha7net= or just --ha7net for autodiscovery mode
Use "low-level" mode for all except device discovery (directory listing).
Support limitations
Doesn't implement the LOCK protocol. (Easy to add, but owfs already locks the bus).
TCP discovery mode works!!!.
Best use
Solid housing and support.
Easy to set up monitoring via tcp/ip wired network.
Native support for EDS sensors (or through OWFS).
Easy web access for testing -- but probably not compatible with owfs for simultaneous access).
OpenWRT or OpenSlug - based owserver with serial or USB adapter.
Previous page: EtherWeather
Next page: HA7Net address discovery